Inside Out

Inside Out

“Therefore we do not lose heart.
Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.”
2 Corinthians 4:16

            I didn’t really plan on making sequels to any of these essays, but when dishes like this pile up over a weekend right next to the Holy Sync, well… I could not resist. Before anyone calls child protective services on my precious children’s behalf, let me explain.
            No we don’t have any problems with mice currently, cockroaches were a bigger threat in New Orleans, San Diego, and Guam, and the spring ant migration is under control around here too. Most of the dishes received a cursory rinse and were set-aside in a “holding pattern” for my dearly beloved dishwasher. There is minimal risk of mold or bacterial infection issues. I have a degree in biochemistry – I know my microbes. On Friday night after family pizza and movie night, I have a general Mommy’s-mental-health rule: I don’t do dishes. I did the dishes every other night of the week, and regard one night off from non-emergency cooking and cleaning as a proper sanity measure. No one else is working Friday night in my home either. I do the puny, daily death-by-dishes martyrdom easily (now), and so one day away is not really a big deal - I can take up that cross again pretty lightly without feeling the need to pay anyone else off to take it for me these days. I’ve been humbled by knowing of children who only have one dish for 2 children for all eating needs. I am thankful for my dish “problem.” I would call this particular build-up, which represents dishes undone from Friday afternoon until Sunday morning (when cleanliness was resurrected after taking this picture), an unusually large build up. It happens from time to time, but I wouldn’t say this is typical.
            The reasons the dishes were not done on this Saturday in particular, were three-fold. First, Saturday morning we had several neighbors over to our driveway to have a small, fence contract signing breakfast party. We have about five families all signed up to get our interlinked, twenty-year-old fences that have been wrecked by recent windstorms repaired as a big neighborhood group. It was very good getting to talk with and meet several of our neighbors, make forward progress on the much needed fence repairs, and impress our contractor with our neighborly cooperation. It was a beautiful “love thy neighbor” moment. Then, because the weather was FANTASTIC, I preferred to take all my cravings for manual labor outside and weed. Finally, we ate out Saturday night in honor of the kids good grades. When I came home I employed the “horse-blinder technique” (also known as “see no evil”) from the garage door to the stairs, thus avoiding the vision of guilt that had been amassing on this counter over the day, and preserving the decadent feeling of having just eaten out – which also generally comes with it a mental tag that says “no dishes for me.”
            Now, yes, the children are old enough and eventually will be more involved in the dish cleaning activities as I was as a child. In fact, from time to time, as life allows, they graciously offer to help, or are very amenable to helping when asked - since it is not yet a regular “chore.” Alternately, they had the agony of cleaning their rooms this weekend and I heard wailing and gnashing of teeth that I thought was only reserved for such places as purgatory.
            Here is my short meditation on those dishes. While we were outside most of the day Saturday doing lovely wonderful things outside of our home, inside of our home the crap was building up. Fortunately, that particular mess was all right next to the Holy Sync-sink and so it got washed without great drama of built up bitterness or resentment (or plagues of vermin or insects). Instead it became a meditation and an insight. This is life. Outer work needs the balance of inner work, and vice-versa. It's good to keep the inner mess close to God, the Divine, the Holy Sync. Sometimes it is very necessary to care for the inner, without worry for the outer. Sometimes it is necessary to focus on the outer, knowing with healthy cleansing of the inner will need attention later. Sometimes inner and outer activity balances well and both get done with good discipline and measure. Eventually, in so many ways, the inside comes out and the outside comes in. This is life.
            I pray we never lose heart, and find balance with this life. That with a Holy Sync in God, even if outwardly parts of life may be wasting away, inwardly may we always be renewed day by day. If inwardly, parts of life may be wasting away, outwardly may we find renewal from life-giving, for-giving friends, family, neighbors, rest, play, and work. Amen