Traditional Rosary Video Links

~ This page is dedicated to some of my favorite resources for praying the traditional (5-decade) Rosary ~

Why Pray the Rosary?
More than a century ago a proud university student boarded a train in France and sat next to an older man who seemed to be a peasant of comfortable means. The brash student noticed that the older gentleman was slipping beads through his fingers. He was praying the rosary.
"Sir, do you still believe in such outdated things?", the student inquired.
"Yes, I do. Don't you?" the man responded. The student laughed and admitted, "I do not believe in such silly things. Take my advice. Throw the rosary out the window, and learn what science has to say about it."
"Science? I do not understand this science. Perhaps you can explain it to me," the man said humbly, tears welling in his eyes.
The university student noticed that the man was deeply moved. To avoid hurting further the older person's feelings, he said, "Please give me your address and I will send you some literature to explain the matter to you." The man fumbled in the inside pocket of his coat and pulled out his business card. On reading the card, the student lowered his head in shame and was speechless. The card read: "Louis Pasteur, Director of the Institute of Scientific Research, Paris." The science student had encountered his country's leading chemist and bacteriologist.

According to legend, St. Francis de Sales had a vision of two ladders reaching up to Heaven. One ladder was very steep, while the second ladder was shorter and safer, and represented help from Mary. In the vision, St. Francis de Sales heard Jesus say, "Tell your people to come to Me by this ladder, by way of My Mother."

Marian joke from Padre Pio:
One day Our Lord making rounds of Paradise saw some strange faces. He asked Peter, ‘Who let these people in?’ Peter:  ‘Nothing to do with me.’  The Lord: ‘But you have the key.’ Peter: ‘There is nothing I can do, and you can’t do either.’ The Lord: ‘What do you mean?’  ‘It’s your mother. Every time she finds my back turned, she opens the gate and lets somebody in.'  

The Mystery of the Rosary - History

 Rosary Story - A Catholic Mom's Life

 Rosary - Joyful Mysteries - DnD 

Rosary - Sorrowful Mysteries - DnD 

 Rosary - Glorious Mysteries - DnD

Rosary - Luminous Mysteries - DnD