
I lay down in the sand
Mercy’s ocean pulse lapping in
Mercy’s ocean pulse lapping out
Mercy’s ocean pulse lapping up
Mercy’s ocean pulse lapping down

I lay down in the sand
Next to the sinkhole
Mercy’s ocean pulse lapping in
Mercy’s ocean pulse lapping out
Mercy’s ocean pulse lapping up
Mercy’s ocean pulse lapping down

I lay down in the sand
Next to the sinkhole
Next to the cavern
Mercy’s ocean pulse lapping in
Mercy’s ocean pulse lapping out
Mercy’s ocean pulse lapping up
Mercy’s ocean pulse lapping down

I lay down in the sand
Next to the sinkhole
Next to the cavern
Next to what sucked
Mercy’s ocean pulse lapping in
Mercy’s ocean pulse lapping out
Mercy’s ocean pulse lapping up
Mercy’s ocean pulse lapping down

I lay down in the sand
Next to the sinkhole
Next to the cavern
Next to what sucked
Next to disaster’s footprint
Mercy’s ocean pulse lapping in
Mercy’s ocean pulse lapping out
Mercy’s ocean pulse lapping up
Mercy’s ocean pulse lapping down

I lay down in the sand
Next to the sinkhole
Next to the cavern
Next to what sucked
Next to disaster’s footprint
Next to the painful earthen gauge
Mercy’s ocean pulse lapping in
Mercy’s ocean pulse lapping out
Mercy’s ocean pulse lapping up
Mercy’s ocean pulse lapping down

I lay down in the sand

Mercy’s ocean pulse lapping in
Mercy’s ocean pulse lapping out
Mercy’s ocean pulse lapping up
Mercy’s ocean pulse lapping down

And watched the ocean fill the hole