Fly by Faith

I am not worthy
that you should enter
Under my roof

And yet
You did
You do
You will

Your will be done
Under my roof
Where war resides
Darkness lingers longer
darker than nighttime

And cold to the bone
halts everything
gripping of blankets
and curling in
seeking self-warmth

You sneak in
Wild warm wind
through cracks
around the drafty door
between floorboards

Your Spirit seeps
and weeps in
allowing peace & justice
To kiss a spark secretly
under cover
of darkness

Your thermal wisps
releasing softly
the grip of cold
the clenched
frozen joints

Your fireflies
Squeeze through
At the window sills

They light my home
fly by fly
Until darkness
Cannot coexist

I am not worthy
That you should
enter under my roof

And yet
You did
You do
You will