Meet Me In Hell

“I’ll meet you in hell
You scoundrel
You ne’er do well
You scoffer
You narcissist
You slacker
You asshole
You moron
You hypocrite
You procrastinator
You slut
You proxy
You gossip
You adulterer
You liar
You fraud
You coward
You cheat
You witch
You gambler
You blight
You plague
You player
You addict
You scum
You jerk
You lowlife
You cad
You thief
You blind
You doubter
You double-crosser
You beggar
You voyeur
You jackass
You slacker
You hoarder
You joker
You Pharisee
You automaton
You oppressor
You traitor.

Do you see your

I will meet you in hell.

And I will love you to Heaven from there.”  ~Jesus