Dump It

Dump It

“Hear and give ear; be not proud, for the Lord has spoken.”  Jeremiah 13:15

            A few months back I saw the dump truck rolling in to pick up trash from the parish & school dumpsters and I just knew God was giving me an obvious “sign”  – the sign on the garbage truck. Immortalized in the photo above. I laughed out loud when I saw it and realized that God knows not only did I need to see it then, but I need to see this every Tuesday and Wednesday around that neighborhood. Apparently the garbage company’s name is PRIDE Disposal Company. An awesome, always timely, visual reminder of the true nature and value of pride – it is trash, dump it.

            Given that I am going to make an attempt to dump a chunk of pride here, I’m going to do my best to hand over the letters on the computer keyboard and let Divine hands do the typing better than my own. I pray that whatever hits the virtual paper, also hits hearts and minds the way God intends it to very well for fruitful changes in any of your lives as well.

            As our family moved to Guam a few years back with the Navy and experienced the adventures and challenges of a “forward deployed” military life, two things happened. Somewhat simultaneously, first my “inner self” began to fall apart in bitterness, anger, depression, overwhelm, drinking (typically) a bottle of wine a night to compensate for anxieties, angers, worries and frustrations, and secondly (or maybe this was firstly, its hard to tell with God) God began to really take over in gradual, tangible ways. God gave me an experience of a Stations of the Cross more moving than I had ever experienced before in my life. God gave me a culture of island people devoutly, joyfully, rejoicing in the goodness of the Lord, and depending on God’s providence for all things almost wherever I went. God gave me an experience of His presence in mass when I hit my personal lowest interior place. God provided a wonderful community of very faith-filled military wives who became great friends and Bible study or faith journey partners – many happened to be Seventh Day Adventist. Through them God gave me the examples of natural, easy sober, and healthful eating living that my body was craving. The other several were all Catholic. Through them I saw the graces and ways of leaning into and gaining strength from church of my baptism, confirmation, and matrimony.

            Change and pride are often slow and difficult to dump, and so while we were moving to Portland I was still drinking too much, but my heart was being moved to a greater desire for better health and for learning more about this grand mystery that is “love of God.” God brought us into an amazing parish with more perfectly placed details than I can account for here. I cried at most masses for the span of close to a year. The Author of Life made prayer time, study, and “love of God” to take new root. Through prayer, and through what I think of as both a heavenly space and my Most Anonymous of Alcoholics & Other Sinners Anonymous meetings – daily mass – I have somewhat easily become very sober and content. Better than that, combined prayer, mass, monthly reconciliation, sacrament of the sick, and excellent counsel have helped me gradually become less anxious, less cynical, less bitter, less stressed, more forgiving of myself and others. I am by no means perfect at any of this, and the way God led me is not the way for everyone, but any gains in these categories are great gains for God, and for anyone else who lives with or knows me. I used to be highly critical of “born again” Christians…. until I became a kind of one. I used to be highly suspicious of those who were “saved”… until I needed saving and was (and continue to be). I used to think God was dependent on my work… until I was most dependent on His.

            I reflect a lot on the story of Jesus first miracle, changing water into wine at the wedding in Cana, when I ponder back on the last 4-5 years. It has become easy to consider myself an urn, once filled with “wine and whine of the world,” emptied and down to my last drops, refilled with waters of baptism and daily rehydrating, rejuvenating drinks of earthly water, touched and blessed by Jesus life and holy scripture, poured out here as a completely different kind of spirit.

            Lord, I am Your perfectly, wonderfully made urn. Please go ahead and continue to dump out my pride in ways that will be the spirit of grace, healing, understanding, and joy for those in need of it. Amen.