Sacred Swaddle: Totem Poem to Love

Swaddles nestled on straw

Cherub-Christ cheek hills

Infinite, infant star-eyes

glisten above;

Shining across

an inn-stable darkness

Wooing mother

Wooing father

Wooing cows

Wooing sheep

Wooing donkey

Wooing wooden beams

Wooing hewn rock

Wooing shepherds

Wooing angels

Wooing wise men

Wooing stars

God’s wooing Love came down

Rested in the manger

Food for the world

Hungry for our love

Sweet toddler

Back to altar

Face to face

With his father


“Time to open presents?”

Unanswered child

Climbs the Eucharistic prayer

On his father’s back

Blows a raspberry on his neck

Are you there, Father?

In climbing Adoration

Can I press my lips

and vibrate your neck?

I’m wooing you.

I’m ready to open your Presence.

Hungry for your Love

Your Food for the world

Cloistered teen

Face to FaceTiming friends

Parent calls

“Whatcha doing?”

Unanswered parent

Draws closer still

Asmirk with knowing

Seeks the star

Whatcha doing, Child?

Draw me in

I knock seeking room at your door

I’m wooing you.

Still I seek

Hungry for your Love

Your Food for the world

Sheepish moon-eyes

Graze fingering over

Body hills

“Do you want me?”

Vulnerable lover

Touches interoception

With journeys entailing dromedaries & gold

Shepherd and kings desire

Seeking the wooing

Infinite, infant star-eyes

glisten above;

Shining across

an inn-stable darkness

Hungry for your Love

Your Food for the world