Anxiety and Process

Anxiety and Process

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”  Philippians 4: 6-7

            Alright, so the 13th essay came and went safely enough, even on the heels of a full moon, but I have to freely tell, that every single time I write an essay it starts with anxiety. It starts with the “what the hell was I thinking?” thought. Followed quickly by a “That last essay can’t really be followed up well enough. I probably should throw in an old essay this week” bail-out. The third musketeer is nearly always something along the lines of “Maybe something horribly tragic will happen in the next 24 hours, or I can pretend that it did, and that will be my excuse to bail on the remaining [fill-in-the-blank number] of essays remaining.” My writing process (even though I find the writing a great joy) pretty much always starts with the very loud voices of anxiety: self-doubt and dissent.

            Someone asked me around the 8th essay how I decide what to write. I honestly can’t fully say how I choose or what inkling of Spirit kindles the mind into a writable thought. The night of the poem, it just came out fully formed. Essays from Hawaii seemed to simply happen too. Maybe I should go back to Hawaii. It is easy to find the writing muse in Hawaii – and she seems to have such quick humor there.  Some ideas are very easy to come by, but typically a good deal of panicking, praying, calming, then worrying moderately less, praying, and calming a little more is an integral part of the process for me. Mostly it is not until a few repetitions of panic-prayer cycles have churned over, that I find the idea and the calm that I can use to begin to write. Mostly here pours forth thoughts I’ve already had, but the timing and the word selection, the process of the whole thing really holds such mystery. Not unlike much of life. Why now? Why this story? Why me? Why this word, not that word? Why this turn of phrase, rather than another? I’m beginning to learn how integral anxiety, self-doubt, and questioning is to my faith and to the vibrancy of the writing process. It’s the dark, necessary “yin,” to the sparkle of trust in “yang.” It is the dark hours of Christ’s Passion and death, cast dramatically against the glory of His resurrection - appearing and reappearing minutely – thought-by-thought, moment-by-moment, choice-by-choice in the small events and small prayers of my little life.  It is my scientific ego’s questioning crashing uproariously with the spirit contentedness that finds which words of love, hope, and life, most easily flow forth. Visually, I always get an impression of a process that looks like the fractal image above. It seems to me, we live in the physical and spiritual repetition of patterns of life that look (from God’s perspective) like this – formulaic repeats and variations of life in infinite depths of size and distance. The Sovereign Mathematician can see it all shaping up an eternity away.

            Sovereign Mathematician, let me continue to appreciate my anxieties and questions as the necessary dark “variable” invitations to trust in your Sacred Formula {anxiety/questions x trust} + {DIVINE LOVE x prayer/meditation} = LOVING ANSWERS will manifest.  Help me remember that my questions and concerns are merely the variables, that the problem and the mental calculations are all Yours. Thank you for already adjusting for all my predictable positive and negative errors. Continue to remind me that grade school math will suffice. You do not require that I attempt to launch off into the calculus of hyperbole (although You can handle that too, if I must). Please continue to write your answers on my heart that I may act simply as a product of your Divine Image. Amen.

            Post-script:  So, it is with a smile of irony that I tell you also, that this was one of the most heavily re-written essays I have done so far, and the one I had the most heartburn over “putting out there” at the start. I have anxiety about writing about anxiety! However, when I attempt subtracting out my doubts, fears, questions, and anxieties - I just know - the answer is always negative.